6th – 8th Grades

Students are led on a wonderful tour of our scientific world and its history. They explore great books and learn to apply mathematics to their daily lives. Students also have opportunities for elective classes like Spanish, AmericanSign Language, Microsoft Office, typing instruction, and physical education. Also available after school are band and athletics.
In the upper grade Bible course, students cover a variety of topics focusing on something new each 6 weeks. Students have book studies covering 1-2 chapters a day, studying both the Old and New Testament scriptures. The course includes an intense study of 1 of the gospels each year, focusing on more topical studies that delve deeper into improving their Christian faith with an emphasis on real life application. There is always a quiz at the end of each week going over the material studied and a memory verse to be shared with the school as each class recites it in chapel. Students always enjoy testing their knowledge by playing Bible trivia jeopardy each Friday!
Language Arts
Holt Literature is a comprehensive English/Language Arts program with integrated instruction in reading, writing, speaking/listening, and language. The text features beloved classic and contemporary literature as well as ample informational texts spiraling in complexity, providing the appropriate challenge at each grade level. Additional works of literature covered include the City of Ember and the People of Sparks to further student interest in modern literature.
General Mathematics
In order to prepare for high school Algebra 1, middle school students explore the world of arithmetic covering topics of numbers and operations, personal financial literacy, mathematical processes and proportionality, measurement and data, and expressions, equations, inequalities, relationships, and geometrical applications.
All new concepts are developed through hands-on activities and rich mathematical conversations that actively engage students in the learning process. Concepts are developed, reviewed, and practiced over time. Students move from the concrete to the pictorial to the abstract.
Middle school science explores the fields of physical, life, and earth sciences through interactive and hands-on materials and labs to reinforce critical scientific concepts and explore our world.
Social Studies
6th Grade
McGraw Hill’s World Cultures and Geography is a survey of both physical and human geography broken into regions of the world, including North and South America, Europe, Russia, East Southwest Asia, and and various regions of Africa and Oceania, finishing with life in Antarctica.
7th Grade
McGraw Hill’s Texas History explores the state’s fascinating history and the rich diversity of its land and people. Students will study the full sweep of Texas history, from the early Native American societies through the eras of European mission-building and colonization, early explorers, Mexican Texas, the Texas Revolution, the Republic of Texas, Texas statehood, the Civil War and Reconstruction, the late 19th century, and the 20th century. They will witness the people, events, and issues that shaped each era. The geography of Texas, its impact on history, and changes in Texans’ way of life is also covered. Students will explore the structure and levels of Texas government and what it means to be a citizen of Texas.
8th Grade
McGraw Hill’s United States History to 1877 teaches about the people and events that created our nation and government, formed our society, and shaped our beliefs and principles. In this course, students will study the history of the United States from the early colonial era through the period known as Reconstruction, which ended about 1877. Topics include Native American people, Colonial American, the early colonies, the American Revolution, the Constitution, expansionism, and the Civil War. The Grade 8 course makes up the first part of a two-year study of American history. The second part, which covers American history from Reconstruction to the present, is taught in high school.
Spanish instruction begins in the 7th grade introducing students to vocabulary themes, grammar concepts, sentence structure and culture through explicit instruction in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Opportunities to apply language in common situations along with highly interactive activities are designed to reinforce skills in differing contexts and build foundational language knowledge. Students in grade 7 complete Spanish IA for 1/2 a high school credit and students in grade 8 complete Spanish IB for 1/2 a high school credit.
9th – 12th Grades
Students are led on a tour of our scientific world and its history. They explore great books and learn to apply mathematics to their daily lives. Students also have opportunities for additional courses like Foreign Language, Psychology, Athletics, Computers, Speech and Art. Band is also available after school hours.
In the upper grade Bible course, students cover a variety of topics focusing on something new each 6 weeks. Students have book studies covering 1-2 chapters a day, studying both the Old and New Testament scriptures. The course includes an intense study of 1 of the gospels each year, focusing on more topical studies that delve deeper into improving their Christian faith with an emphasis on real life application. There is always a quiz at the end of each week going over the material studied and a memory verse to be shared with the school as each class recites it in chapel. Students always enjoy testing their knowledge by playing Bible trivia jeopardy each Friday!
English I-IV utilizes the Holt Literature Texas Edition. Holt Literature is a comprehensive English/Language Arts program with integrated instruction in reading, writing, speaking/listening, and language. The text features beloved classic and contemporary literature as well as ample informational texts spiraling in complexity, providing the appropriate challenge at each grade level. Additionally students cover famous works of literature of the past and present, including Fahrenheit 451, Of Mice & Men, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court, and Orwell’s 1984.
(Dual credit through Blinn College is available for 11th and 12th graders.)
Foreign Language
Spanish instruction begins in the 7th grade introducing students to vocabulary themes, grammar concepts, sentence structure and culture through explicit instruction in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Opportunities to apply language in common situations along with highly interactive activities are designed to reinforce skills in differing contexts and build foundational language knowledge. Students in grade 7 complete Spanish IA for 1/2 a high school credit and students in grade 8 complete Spanish IB for 1/2 a high school credit. Students who do not receive Spanish in junior high must take Spanish I during their high school years. Students take Spanish II during their high school years as well. All students are required to complete 2 credits of the same foreign language.
(Dual credit through Blinn College is available for foreign language.)
Our high school science program offers courses in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Forensic Science, and other advanced sciences. Courses are based on proven curriculum from Pearson Biology, Pearson Chemistry, and Holt Physics.
- Pearson Biology offers a comprehensive program to inspire students to interact with trusted and up-to-date biology content. Biology.com serves as the dynamic digital component of the program. The online digital support contains a robust includes a wealth of assets including an online student edition with online audio, interactive games, and online assessments.
- Pearson Chemistry is supported by cutting-edge digital support and a variety of hands-on learning opportunities that enable all learners to connect chemistry to their daily lives and stay motivated to learn.
- Serway and Faughn’s Physics © 2012 is a comprehensive high school physics textbook and digital program with a balanced approach that melds concepts and problem solving. More accessible and engaging with a new design, the program helps all students develop a conceptual foundation supported by a mathematically based presentation of the high school physics curriculum. Ongoing problem-solving strategies, practice, guidance, and feedback reinforce and strengthen critical skills.
Our high school courses consist of Glencoe’s Texas Editions of Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra 2, and Precalculus. Additional math courses include Consumer Math and Math Models. Calculus is also available to advanced juniors and seniors desiring college credit.
- The content of Algebra 1 is organized around families of functions, with special emphasis on linear and quadratic functions. As students learn about each family of functions, they will learn to represent them in multiple ways- as verbal descriptions, equations, tables, and graphs. They will also learn to model real-world situation using functions in order to solve problems arising from those situations.
- The content of Algebra 2 is organized around families of functions, including linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, radical, and rational functions. As students study each family of functions, students will learn to represent them in multiple ways- as verbal descriptions, equations, tables, and graphs. Students will also learn to model real-world situations using functions in order to solve problems arising from those situations.
- In Geometry, students will develop reasoning and problem solving skills as they study topics such as congruence and similarity, and apply properties of lines, triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles. Students will also develop problem solving skills by using length, perimeter, area, circumference, surface area, and volume to solve real-world problems.
- In PreCalculus, students prepare for Calculus through study of functional analysis, power, polynomial, exponential and logarithmic functions. Concepts of trigonometry are also evaluated through functions, equations, and identities. Systems of equations, matrices, conic sections, parametric equations, polar coordinates, complex numbers, vectors, sequences & series, and inferential statistics are also addressed. Finally, derivates and limits are covered at the end of the course to better prepare students for college-level Calculus.
- Calculus, and occasionally Statistics, are offered on-campus through Abilene Christian University for dual-credit for advanced students.
Social Studies
High school students utilize McGraw Hill publications, in World History, Geography , and American History II. Seniors are offered courses in American government and economics. (Juniors and seniors are also able to take dual credit courses at Blinn College.)
- Geography covers the physical geography, cultural geography, and case studies about living in the region that helps students understand the similarities and differences among regions giving them context in which to understand current world events.
- World History travels from the rise and spread of early civilizations and empires, through ancient Greece, India, and China, to the Roman and Byzantine Empire. Students explore historical and religious aspects and their influences on the present from Islam and the Crusades of the Catholic church. The Renaissance, Reformation, and Age of Exploration are further addressed, as well as major revolutions of both religion and government throughout history. The text concludes with modern conflicts of the World Wars, the Cold War, and contemporary global issues of the present. World History allows student to understand the connections between recent world events and issues, and give them an appreciation for the interconnectedness of the world’s regions and peoples.
- American History begins with a short summary of early American history to 1877, the course explores topics of settling the west, industrialization, segregation, imperialism, and the progressive movement. Modern history is addressed through topics and implications of the World Wars, the Great Depression, the Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War, and the Reagan Era to the present challenges of today’s world.